MKLUG Mailing List FAQ

This is the FAQ for the MKLUG mailing list - if people send us questions we will add them as needed.

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MKLUG's email discussion list:


For discussion of Linux or MKLUG related issues

Q. How do I join the MKLUG mailing list?

A. Follow the link.

Q. How do I leave the MK mailing list?

A. Follow the subscription link above. One of the options on the subscription page is to unsubscribe, alternatively use the following links to unsubscribe by email: Unsubscribe from the MK list.

Q. What is the address for?

A. That address is a forwarding address which will go to whoever is currently administering the group.

Q. Who founded MKLUG and who runs it?

A. MKLUG was founded Denny De La Haye in July 1999, who ran it until September 2004, when it was passed over to Gavin Westwood who currently runs and manages it.

Q. What sort of thing is discussed on the main list?

A. Most of the mail to the list comes under the broad heading of technical support questions and answers. There are few problems that the assembled wisdom of the list can't help with! The next most common sort of mail is people in the group letting the rest know when something of interest happens - for instance, there was a lot of discussion of which shops were selling Linux Answers magazine when it first came out. Most of the rest of the mail sent to the list is group-related - for instance, agreeing dates for the next meetings, that sort of thing...

Q. What sort of thing should not be sent to the lists?

A. Any images or other large attachments (the list software rejects them and the list admin has to download the extensive error messages). Any jokes. For Sale / Wanted ads are also a no-no. Finally, generally speaking, mail should be Linux related - if it isn't, think hard about whether the list is the appropriate place for it.

Q. Why all the rules?

A. Some people read a lot of email every day - they only want to receive appropriate mail on each list, or they can be swamped - for more information on 'netiquette' (proper behaviour online) as it applies to mailing lists, please read this website.

Q. Can we advertise on your website/contact your members about our products?

A. No. We do not accept advertising and are not currently looking for sponsorship. We also do not allow the sending of marketing and sales promotions to our members and will not facilitate it.

To find out more about MKLUG, please email